Bulgarian peppers in Bulgaria - myth or reality?
If you go to Bulgaria and want to buy Bulgarian bell pepper, unfortunately, not a single seller will be able to understand you. Let's actually understand why pepper is called Bulgarian pepper. This name is widespread in the countries that were formerly part of the USSR. In those days, this vegetable was imported precisely from Bulgaria. Therefore, the vegetable was named after the state from which it was brought. In this country, there are of course peppers, and there is quite a lot of them. In every market, you can buy the vegetable in red, yellow, orange, and even green and lettuce colors, with different shapes and sizes. In Bulgaria, it is used in a variety of dishes. It is used to make a large number of salads, hot dishes, and it is also used in canning, still masterfully baked using a variety of culinary recipes. Next, we will talk about the different varieties that can be found in the markets; they are particularly popular among Bulgarians.
Varieties of bell peppers, what they are.
The first variety of Bulgarian bell pepper is called Capia. Its length is equal to the size of a palm. When the vegetable becomes bright red in color, it can be baked in the oven, the pods are pickled and used in salads, lutenice, and in the preparation of fragrant caviar.
Another popular variety is called Sivria. It has a green, yellow and reddish hue, it is used in stuffing, also boldly canned and added to hot, cold dishes.
Also popular are the vegetables of the Chorbaidea stocking variety. Pale green or yellow with a red hue, which is added to hot dishes, can vary in the spiciness of flavor.
Another very interesting variety is Ribka. These vegetables are usually about eight inches long and are shaped like fish. The variety is available in green, yellow, and red. It is worth warning that they taste very spicy, but have healthy for body vitamin C. They can be eaten raw or baked and are usually an addition to cooked hot and canned dishes.
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