Rural Tourism

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Rural Tourism

The varied scenery, proven ecological factors, peace and quiet of the Bulgarian village are sufficient prerequisites for active holidays and relaxation in an unusual environment.

All four seasons are suitable for rural tourism. Each season has its own fascination and holds unexpected surprises for today's urbanized man. If you want to immerse yourself in a domestic atmosphere, lifestyle and customs, you will no doubt want to get a taste of a farmer's daily chores. Farm work never ends: the land needs to be tilled, the harvest gathered, the hey mowed and stacked, the cattle grazed and the cows milked. Dairy products such as butter, cheese and yoghurt are still made at home according to old technologies, fruit and vegetables are grown, herbs and mushrooms picked, etc. There is also plenty to do inside the home: cooking according to traditional recipes, embroidery, knitting. Depending on interest and possibilities, anyone is able to experience something new and make his dreams come true.

Rural homes combine traditional furnishings with modern comforts and radiate coziness and warmth. The friendly hosts welcome their guests with the famous Bulgarian hospitality. The days are filled with good mood and unforgettable experiences.

Suitable places for rural tourism and different programmes are offered in the Bulgarian mountains: Pirin, the Rhodopes, the Balkan Range and Strandja.

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