Melnik Museum Town
Reading Time: 1 MinutesBulgaria's smallest town is hudding among frozen standstone puramids immobile for millennia, 190km south of Sofia. Thracians, Romans and Byzantines have writen its history. Trace of it are prezerved in unique monuments of old architecture, some of which are of national significance. Melnik's houses are spasious, whith wide eaves and towers, high stained glass windows, carved ceilings and large celars here the famous Melnik wine matures. A single street leads to the finest example of the formes splendour of this small souther town.
The Kordopoulos House - with Venetian stained glass windows, spacious rooms and salons, ornamental murals, weaves and fretwork, a wrought iron gate and large wine-cellar from which caravans with the famous Melnik wine once left for Salonika, Athens, Vienna, Rome, and even Marseille and Spain
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