All about the Bulgarian currency - BGN (Bulgarian Lev)
If you want to go on vacation, you need to know some information about the currency in Bulgaria. In this country, the national currency is the Bulgarian lev, which has become the official currency since 1880. In international abbreviation is called BGN. Since Bulgaria is considered a country of the European Union, the currency has a ratio of 2:1 to the euro. That is, two Bulgarian levs can be paid as one euro, it is a fairly stable Bulgarian currency unit since 2002. The Bulgarian levs are accepted almost in all places, which cannot be said about the euro. In the famous resorts and in premium hotels the euro is in full circulation, but in small towns and cafes, may ask only for the Bulgarian currency, namely levs. You can also take dollars in Bulgaria, but the rate of these currencies can be quite unprofitable. It is best to exchange currency only in reliable banks and special exchange offices, never turn to those who offer to exchange on the street, it's usually punishable for both sides.
What is better to pay, Bulgarian currency or bank card
In many commercial establishments in Bulgaria, you can pay with bank cards Visa or MasterCard. You can usually do this in cafes and hotels of three stars and above. Hotel bars usually accept only cash. For example in and around tourist sites, restaurants may accept bank cards, but if you're away from resort areas, it's worth getting hold of cash. As for ATMs, they are available in all resort areas and cities in Bulgaria. Please note that when withdrawing cash, there is a commission of one to five percent of the amount you withdraw. It is best to use ATMs, located in the branches of banks. Always have cash in Bulgaria for small expenses: travel, buying souvenirs, and meals in restaurants. You can easily use bank cards. It is desirable to exchange money only in banks.
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